Your source for research on the business of racing

About the IJMM

Aims & Scope

Open Source
The International Journal of Motorsport Management (IJMM) is an academic journal. It is designed to address the unmet need within the motorsport industry for applied research that can be utilized by current industry teams, tracks, sanctioning bodies, sponsors, marketing agencies, and other related stakeholders. The goal is to provide the international motorsport community a centralized source for all topics “management-related” that can improve the daily function and efficiency of their organization. The ultimate aim of the IJMM is to bring together the research skills of academia and the applied requirements of the industry.
The IJMM is designed to expand the body of knowledge in all "management-related" areas of the motorsport industry. The primary focus areas of the IJMM include: Marketing, facility and event management, public relations, risk management and legal issues, sponsorship acquisition and development, and personnel management within motorsports. All motorsport venues and racing series are addressed within the scope of IJMM and both quantitative and qualitative aspects of research are welcome. The IJMM is designed to address the interests and needs of the international motorsport community by providing applied research and resulting articles that improve the current and future status of the industry.
IJMM is an open source academic journal. There is no fee to access the articles published by the IJMM. Additionally, authors are not charged to submit their manuscripts. The IJMM does not have a publication fee for those authors with successful manuscript reviews.
ISSN 2381-3938